Never believe anything more than 98%. 1% for new information, and 1% for the final piece, KNOWING. Ex-Nurse, Mom of 10, 4 in Heaven already
I live in a very small town on the river with a granite cliff on the other side of me. One stop sign, no stop lights, and one and a half miles long Main Street.
I heard a few months ago a trailer park just a couuple miles up the hill has been running a sex trafficking ring out of a trailer park, using teen girls and boys.
If this shit is in my little bitty town, it is in all of them.

Sadly, in order for it to work world-wide it has to be. 'Law Enforcement' is an oxymoron, it doesn't exist. The closest you'll get are the County Sheriffs.
Wait 'til folks find out what's underneath us.

Never believe anything more than 98%. 1% for new information, and 1% for the final piece, KNOWING. Ex-Nurse, Mom of 10, 4 in Heaven already
At this time unfortunately our Sheriff, nor our State Police seem to be doing anything about anything.
I sure hope Law inforcement will be ovehauled as well as every other government office.

The plan is called 'Devolution' and the name is self-explanatory to a degree. Medicine, Education, an oxymoron if ever, and Finance meaning personal and business. 1955 prices is the target once we settle down.
Don't forget, Time Travel is real. 😁They know what works.
'Back to the Future'
The name I have seen most often in relation to Devolution has been Ezra Cohen, there are of course others. Point being, NCSWIC.

Never believe anything more than 98%. 1% for new information, and 1% for the final piece, KNOWING. Ex-Nurse, Mom of 10, 4 in Heaven already
I saw Q the first time on October 28, 2017, so I followed, I researched, and I am waiting as patiently as I can. I am just getting a little anxious. I lost so many relatives during the pandemic, even some who went to the hospital for other reasons, and I do not want to lose anymore. Just praying for Patience.

I'm a God loving Patriot, Prayer warrior, Mom of Four ❤️Gma of several and GreatGma of one.❤️TRUMP WON! GOD WINS! WE WIN! 🇺🇲🦅🇺🇲 WWG1WGA
Same here! Hang in there sister! We sure are alot closer than we were a couple years ago. I think once Trump gets into office it's going to be the b💥💥💥 time. Those family members we lost will be coming around for guidance.
I have a feeling it's going to be rough until then tho. Pray 🙏🙏🙏.

Never believe anything more than 98%. 1% for new information, and 1% for the final piece, KNOWING. Ex-Nurse, Mom of 10, 4 in Heaven already
Since my research started 10 years ago I have lost my mother, both of her sister's, my Aunt's, my oldest son, 2 step children, and numerous friends. My husband had a stroke in 2022,a nd a heart attack last year which were diagnosed at the hospital, but treated with DMSO and vitamin C. All his labs and CT scans show normal now. I also have him on white willow bark, instead of their blood thinners, and a mushroom complex for his brain and nervous system. He is 70. I also give each of my family members Ivermectin detox regularly.
8 years ago I heard about the MedBeds, and still waiting. I am 66, and we could both use the MedBed, which by now, looks like it will never happen.
Sheila, you are doing a fantastic job caring for your husband and family!
I did similar things with my father. He had complete heart failure and would have a small heart attack every time he raised his head of the pillow. They released him from the hospital on hospice and took him home in an ambulance he was so critical. They gave him less than a week to live so family did funeral arrangements. I was fighting the hospice Drs as they practice end of life where as I was wanting sustainable life. Finally, they turned all care of him over to me saying it didn't matter, he was going to pass regardless of what was done. I have him mega doses of CoQ10, Magnesium, Niacin and stopped all pharmaceutical drugs. He lived another 6 years. Mom had breast cancer so I put her on Eissac Tea and 6 months later the cancer was completely gone but she chose to take an estrogen low dose chemo pill for prevention for 3 years after because it scared her. Natural medicine works!
I'm also waiting for med bed

Got suspended from Twitter....looking for a new site and my friends....
Me too....I am waiting with baited breath for the med-beds....I can not imagine not being in pain 24/7......I have so many things planned with no pain,,,,xx

Never believe anything more than 98%. 1% for new information, and 1% for the final piece, KNOWING. Ex-Nurse, Mom of 10, 4 in Heaven already
Yes, I love it. I have been trying to preach homeopathic for years now, but I might as well have banged my head on the wall.
Now, suddenly, in the past few weeks people are responding well to the information, Thank Goodness. You are doing a great job with mom, and I will pray for her to remain well.
DMSO with 1/10 the dose of chemo has been used in other countries for years, but was banned in US. Now, available OTC. No hair loss, no nausea, no vomiting. DMSO carries the chemo straight to the tumors. One teaspoon a day orally will improve overall health. Take with 4 ounces juice, coffee, whatever. Research this subject first. Please do not take my word for it. We need to do better for human health. I appreciate all who are bring us all the truth.

WWG1WGA, Patriot, A1&2, Spiritual Warrior, Healer, Truth Seeker, Ascension Bound, Trump is My President, Happily married! In God we trust!
I didn't know you could take DMSO orally! I would take a bath in it if I could get enough 😄 I have a very annoying pain in ankle that flairs up: I put DMSO on it topically and it goes away. Sometimes it wakes me up and I do that so I can get back to sleep.
I'll have to research taking it orally and for what other issues, than cancer.
Thank you! God Bless you both for helping your loved ones 💞