It's not just GATES or Fauci,....they are just frontmen,...there are very powerful people pushing this Depopulation plan,'s global too, not just here. All Nations are being attacked at one time. Japan is one of the worst!
The Chosen People believe it's their alien God given RIGHT to Rule the planet,....and they don't need so many of us humans any more.....they call us Useless Eaters. Extra humans. Surplus Population to quote Charles Dickens.
This plan is very old,'s been in effect ever since the UN Created the WHO. The WHO' was created only to "Control the World Population".
This place Chateau des amerois and the Solvays who own it.Check out their brands and all the chemicals we know are harmful,they make them.
Served my country in the 80s-90s. Proud husband and father. Always asking questions. Looking for the truth.
These 1% elite Parasites have lied to us too,....there are no 8 Billion humans on this planet,....there are only 3 Billion humans. Here, this video explains it. They had to tell us the planet was "overpopulated" to get us to agree to their climate SCAMS and food and energy CRISES. All this is being done because mankind is Waking up and seeing their evil plan,....they are losing CONTROL of the Planet.