Got Honey some super vitamins non gmo, all natural, she is picking her head up, and coming round the corner, one more day of that, and then ivermectin.....GOD is sooooooo good. And she is 17, or maybe 18, goes to show you how long they can really live.....and all their data is bs on life expectancy then factor in them not eating their fako dog foods etc. no matter who mass produces it....sis has been eating eggs, bacon, and animal fat, and got her a supposedly cleaner food source otw. AND gonna then just start making her food.....period. NO shots for her, not one fkn time. Huskie mix.....tell me, my fur friends live beyond 15 years from cats to dogs.....then lets hear it for fur friend med beds, etc.
passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
thanks for letting us know esp the good news.. yes ivermectin helped my dog for an unknown injury while he stayed over night at what a thought was a safe place. within 3 days he was back to normal and he was sick..
VERY thankful for all the prayers and such a blessing to see her doing better. SO much better and I think this is just the turn around....