US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
I worry about things. I'm a bit of a compulsive worrier, mind like a hamster on a wheel.
1 if everyone's debt is paid off - you KNOW there will be folks who will put themselves right back into debt within 2 months - it's just who they are.
2 if EVERYONE is a multimillionaire overnight, do you think there will be anyone going to work? Farmers will still have to look after their livestock, but anyone in a service industry, hourly paid, those just working to pay bills - will stop working - right?
So, if you fancy investing in a luxury item - you know a yacht, a fancy RV, or the car of your dreams, who is going to make it for you? More importantly, who will transport food to the stores, stock shelves?
3 it would be great if everyone was given an acre of land and equipment to work it, but city dwellers would not like not having their Starbucks on every corner.
4 so I worry about how NESARA and GESARA will happen, given the way folk think now, those who see no reason to change.

Working to stay on the good path in a good way. #SaveTheChildren. I love God the Creator, Source of all, be positive my frens and manifest.
All true. So no gesara.
There are improvements for our lives in work to remove the heavy tax burden. God has removed the control of the financial system from the DS.
Connect to God and share love.

Shame on you, the Whitehats control ALL media and they let this information be plastered for years. Can't say exactly why this is so, but it is so.
SS will get a bump yet this month, you watch...
If white hats control all media, why is it still crap? For what purpose?
If white hats control the financial system, why is Trump selling merchanise to raise money?
If X is not censored, then why can I not access my account?
If Trump was not involved in the plandemic, why has he not spoken out against it or apologized for not handling it better?
Q taught us to research and have discernment, even while being the psyop to be the counter to the DS.
They supply the problem and the solution or "savior", always.
We are watching the fight for control of the scraps between the dragon families and the black nobility.
The golden age has begun, God has control while evil is "diappeared".

Dumb as a rock sound familiar?...