December 29, 2024
I sit here after getting an update on a family member with cancer. He’s 50 years old. Pancreatic cancer found 11 months ago. “Healthcare" has been minimally “hit" and mostly “miss".
Sometimes, I wish I had not awakened 7 years ago and my journey was still in the tiptoe phase. I wish I didn’t know about Med-Beds. Or QFS. Or tribunals Or all the other things that are actually happening.
I put off bilateral knee replacement, waiting on the “new technology".
I watched family members die as we waited for the “right time".
I see families, young and old, just trying to make a living. Maybe they are not aware of all the possibilities, all the technology that has been hidden from us, the non-elites.
But, I know.
I've read, and continue to read, the posts. I learned a long time ago to ignore “dates" and just know that each morning
we are ONE DAY CLOSER. I know this and I can wait. My nephew will never know. And he can't wait.