Never believe anything more than 98%. 1% for new information, and 1% for the final piece, KNOWING. Ex-Nurse, Mom of 10, 4 in Heaven already
I live in a very small town on the river with a granite cliff on the other side of me. One stop sign, no stop lights, and one and a half miles long Main Street.
I heard a few months ago a trailer park just a couuple miles up the hill has been running a sex trafficking ring out of a trailer park, using teen girls and boys.
If this shit is in my little bitty town, it is in all of them.
No matter where I have traveled, I've seen signs that the traffickers use to advertise to prospective "clients".
Sneakers thrown over the telephone lines are a common signal.
Interesting that Reader's Digest Magazine had an article that claimed a benign use for the sneakers.
Wondering who is the sex trafficker at RD, trying to whitewash his or her or their crimes?