Questions to ask your Dr. next time they sell you the vax and before you put them on notice for crimes against humanity.
This should be trending ALL social media platforms every day for life of the platform.
Put it on a T Shirt and flyer drop cards

passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
they have two answers...... i dont know... and get out of my office..

That is when we as We The People put them on notice.
Back in 2020 I was part of a telegram channel that was putting dr offices and business on notice for not serving customers without mask.
We stated our rights and then put them on verbal notice leaving them with a copy of our rights and then reported the business on this telegram channel. The admins there confirmed our event and reported them on to military who then spoke with the business giving them official notice.
We did the same reporting over website, pedo websites, selling pillows for 10K or filing cabinets for 20K and modeled after children's names.