US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
Two former orthodox muslims discussing the situation in Gaza. Quite an interesting talk.
Lol jewish propaganda. All the comments are praising this guy are saying that they're jewish and this guy is a hero 😂
Hamas was created by Israel Bibi said it right out of his mouth. You can hate the Muslims all you want I don't care. My Saviour is Jesus Christ and the jews are His enemy. Therefore they're mine. Israel did 911 not the Muslims. I'm not trying to change your mind. I'm posting facts.
US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
Some people who said they were Jews did 9/11.
Kazars said 'Jew',
Many praising the video are also former muslims... quite brave considering their cult will kill them for leaving.
The owner of the channel is Turkish, living in Germany, The guy he is interviewing is the son of the co founder of Hamas.
Muslim don't own all the banks, run Hollywood, bribe and blackmail our politicians, push for the extinction of the White race, push imagination to all White countries and claim to be the superior race. It's the jews stupid 🙄
No, the Kazars do.
Kazars 'we are jew'
Kazarian mafia HAVE been running the world.
The act of saying one is one thing, while actually being another, is a very powerful tool.