Mon. 16 Dec. 2024: Johnson & Johnson was caught adding cancer causing carcinogens in their sunscreens, they caused THE EXACT SAME cancer that their company makes the majority of their revenue selling treatment drugs for. …Wall Street Apes on Telegram
• Mon. 16 Dec. 2024: The Pfizer jabs are all full of SV40. SV40 was what we put into mice to make them grow tumors...and we’re putting this into humans. These people behind Moderna and Pfizer are just pure, pure evil…and they must be held to accountable. …Revealed Eye on Telegram
• Mon. 16 Dec. 2024 William Makis MD: Children who received COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines now have increased risk of Cancer for the rest of their lives! Not just Leukemias& Lymphomas, but Brain cancers and Sarcomas. This hasn't entered regular conversation yet but it will. Yes, these are Turbo Cancers.
Very possible that since they created the poison, they also know the remedies.
Somehow, if possible, the remedies must be extracted from them.