Kabamur - part 1 - (continues in comments)
Connecting the dots between Trump, Q, Archangel Michael and Galactic Federation
For those who are interested in disclosure but are still trying to reconcile their religious or political beliefs with recent events concerning Trump, Galactic Federation, and the 'mystery drones', I'd like to revisit key information disclosed by Pleiadians over the past few years.
Please put your personal feelings aside and hear what I have to say without judgment. The truth will be known in the end regardless of what anyone believes.
Kabamur - part 9
He primarily taught objective morality, that God is within us, and prophesied about the last days before the Shift (tribulation and the rapture).
Jesus said that many would be unready when the "Son of Man" (like humans) are seen in the sky in the last days. This is what's happening now. He said when the "Son of Man" appears, to lift up our heads because our redemption is drawing near.
Mass sightings have happened numerous times throughout history to gauge our reactions and each time it's been met with skepticism and fear. This time it was planned in such a way to minimize fear and to gradually allow false narratives to be removed.