More Vigilante Justice at GITMO as CDC Detainee Killed Via Vaccine Overdose in Cell
Michael Baxter
December 19, 2024
A CDC official who had been held in pretrial confinement at GITMO since September 2023 was found dead in her cell Tuesday morning in yet another vigilante attack on Deep Staters whose tribunals are long overdue, a JAG source told Real Raw News.
CDC Chief Medical Officer Debra Houry was one of a dozen “Covid criminals” detained at Camp Delta’s T-Block, segregated housing for non-violent detainees. At approximately 7:15 a.m., a guard delivering breakfast trays saw Houry lying motionless on her bunk. But she wasn’t sleeping. A bandana covered her mouth, and her wrists and ankles were tied together with pieces of rope. Moreover, countless syringes protruded from her face, torso, arms, and legs, and 15 empty vials of Pfizer-BioNTech’s