When i listen to all these different talking heads with their hair on fire because democrats and republicans are doing the same thing they always do (lather, rinse, repeat), i really have to wonder how much faith do they truly have that our country really can be saved. And pretty quickly I think. I have to ask if it even occurs to them that President Trump already knew all of this crap we watch going on and has everything in place to kick everyone's ass and right the ship so to speak.
Do they not understand that God is not going to allow this level of absolute wickedness to continue because He saw us humble ourselves and he heard our cries and He'll honor the covenant our wonderful founding fathers made with Him to bless and prosper our nation. We are most definitely on the precipice, but I do truly believe and have faith that our rescue is on the way and that's our Most High Father God in heaven. This will absolutely be biblical times coming. God bless y'all, keep your heads up.