I AM a child of GOD. I love GOD. GOD has my heart. Thank you GOD.
I believe the evil powers that be the dark ones will have a fake Jesus appear or a fake alien appear and claim that millions of people disappeared because we would not conform to the new world system
While in actuality it's the 3D people that will be left behind and those that are holy pure bloodline humans of higher consciousness saved by the blood of Jesus will be brought into the 5D Earth and will begin to make Earth as it is in heaven and rebuild it into the new Utopia the Lord has promised us
Beware of any light beings that come as light angels holy pure and say their gods and they created us I believe there's going to be great deceptions upon this Earth many people will believe them truly there will be a Rapture truly those who believe in the Lord will be taken out of this Earth before hell will be Unleashed upon those left behind as predicted in the Bible God cannot lie