Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
Some of the Elon stuff doesn't add up.
This robotic video for one.
Also, you can't become the "world's richest man" by making cars, particularly non-mainstream ones.
And the "launching cars and rockets into space" stories make no sense because they serve no purpose.
Doesn't look the same either.
Elon 2.0.
Its a freak show.
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
Been that way for a while now 😂😂😂
😂Weirder than a dead show parking lot back in the day.
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
For 4 years, every day we wake up and think "WELL WHAT NOW?" 😂
Yep fkn weirdsville. And they say real artists are weird.
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
The world is crazy now.
That's why I stay home 🙉🙈🙊
😂Yep like you probably I know hundreds....and here I sit in muh hippie den, usually alone.
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
At least the company's good right? 😂
😂😂😂YEP and I got muh frens in the computer. hahaha
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
I don't wanna go hang out in dumb land. I pray for them. BUT really I don't wanna hear bout any capacity of this matrix unless it is fkn it up.
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
Same here.
I want to help where I can by passing along important info like healing supplements, prayers, inspiration, laughs, and hope. We all need that 💖
IT all matters, exactly. NO person can be replaced by the other and their sphere of influence. HUGE deal.
Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
Yes indeed.
None of us have all the answers.
We need each other.
We don't all agree on everything, but we work well together.