* 19 OPs [now]. Operators active. Operators in harms way. POTUS awake. No sleep during OP. Pray.
* We won't telegraph our moves to the ENEMY. , We will however light a FIRE to flush them out.
* We have tremendous WW support. , SATAN has left the WH. Day of days.
* Bill Binney. ... ANON: Whistle Blower.. truther.. hero? , Q: PATRIOT of the highest caliber.
* CS/Soros. CS/Playboy. CS/Heidi Fleiss. , HEIDI FLEISS (EVIL/CLOWN/BLACKMAIL).
* ANON: Q, where are the children? , Q: [HAITI] [RED CROSS] [CLASSIFIED] High Priority.
* Backchannels are important. Know your history and you will know why.
* Do comms only go to Anons? Bigger than you can imagine. Expand you're thinking.
* The enormity of what is coming will SHOCK THE WORLD. Pray.
* Something BIG is coming.
I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness