David Wolfe
The Parasites are desperate to stop RFK Jr. and keep America sick.
They knew about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. They hid them from you, lied about them and produced propaganda to make sure you remained out of the loop. Think that thru. Think of the level of corruption to deny ivermectin so they could sell your extorted government a toxic (even deadly) injection instead. (48 seconds)
KNOCK THE TURBO Cancer OUT. Wreck the GMO-Gates-Mosquito malaria.
Make the worms squirm.
They don’t want you to have ivermectin and HCQ and FenBen, which is precisely why you should have them. 🦄🌟🌈💖☀️
These are Critical medicines to have on hand. Our Freedom Crew is outside the USSA and will ship anywhere in the World.
This is the most trusted source of Ivermectin:
FenBen or Fenbendazole: