"What an absolute kick in the Guts for those injured or have lost loved ones due to poisoning  This is why you never, ever, trust your Government, no matter how much they try to Gaslight you - no matter how many freebies they offer - you are just another number on their Bank Notes  nothing more, nothing less - THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU, and never will - you are NOTHING to them"_ died suddenly X
Proof positive that all these bastards are on the same side.
And it ain`t ours!
It's something when a 'nothing actor prez' can pardon the guilty murderers ... if allowed to stand, there's a bigger prob.
Septic tank world - creature of the dark stink running it
America is like a whirring cesspool of evil and corrupted scum.
Everyone was made to think and believe that it's streets were lined with gold.
That if you could "make it here" here was the place to be.
I believe God hasn't finished the parable yet that is America.
Watch this space . . . . . . .