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Marlene Redmond

WWG1WGA NCSWIC Never Never Forget…. Always was+is about the children #PrayForDUMBSandUNDERGROUNDcleanoutHERQS 🙏🏻🙏🏻💫💫

The Khazarian Mafia is the king of all mafias worldwide. For example the Jewish Mafia, Zionist Mafia, Israeli Mafia, Venetian Mafia, Sicilian Mafia, Ndrangheta Mafia, Camorra Mafia, Russian Mafia, Indian Mafia, Chinese Triads, Irish Mafia, Greek Mafia, Corsican Mafia, Albanian Mafia, Columbian Mafia, Mexican Mafia, Cuban Mafia, Puerto Rican Mafia, Japanese Yakuza, Armenian Mafia, Galician Mafia, Apulian Mafia, Dixie Mafia, Vatican Lavender Mafia, etc. all report to the Khazarian Mafia. The Khazarian Mafia is the muscle for the Khazarian Cabal that is responsible for every single major war and wave of terrorism, pandemic and epidemic, genocide and depopulation scheme over the past 100 plus years as listed here: An Abridged List of Fastidiously Planned Genocides Carried Out by the Khazarian Cabal.

All of the mafia crime families described below are relatively low-level on the totem pole of real power and influence because we know their names. In other words, …

WWG1WGA NCSWIC Never Never Forget…. Always was+is about the children #PrayForDUMBSandUNDERGROUNDcleanoutHERQS 🙏🏻🙏🏻💫💫

In response Marlene Redmond to her Publication

All of the mafia crime families described below are relatively low-level on the totem pole of real power and influence because we know their names. In other words, they’re merely mafia muscle for the extremely well concealed power-brokers who populate the ultra-secret upper echelons of the Khazarian Mafia. This ubiquitous international crime syndicate then answers to the even more clandestine and powerful Khazarian Cabal.

What becomes quite apparent from even a cursory scan of the list below is that many of the wealthiest mafia crime families come from the European Black Nobility, and especially from the Northern Italian Black Nobility. That’s because the Roman Empire model was utilized by the Khazarian Cabal to carve up the whole world into crime territories by which to rape, pillage and plunder the entire planetary civilization. ..

WWG1WGA NCSWIC Never Never Forget…. Always was+is about the children #PrayForDUMBSandUNDERGROUNDcleanoutHERQS 🙏🏻🙏🏻💫💫

In response Marlene Redmond to her Publication

The Northern Italian Black Nobility built their fortunes via four of the greatest conquests of all time. They inherited the accumulated wealth of the most rapacious empire in history—the Roman Empire; that is, before there was a British Empire. They grabbed the spoils of the nine major crusades to the Middle East. They were the direct beneficiaries of the unparalleled transfer of wealth from East to West that occurred in the wake of Venetian Marco Polo’s travels to the Mongol Empire of Kublai Khan (whereupon the Silk Road trade route was re-established).
Lastly, the major cities of Northern Italy such as Venice, Genoa, Milan, Turin, Florence, Bologna, Verona, etc. were the home of the world’s first corporations. All of those corporations were established under the aegis of the Roman Catholic Church. The Northern Italian banking houses and merchants who formed them were the most powerful and richest families which saw Catholic Italian

WWG1WGA NCSWIC Never Never Forget…. Always was+is about the children #PrayForDUMBSandUNDERGROUNDcleanoutHERQS 🙏🏻🙏🏻💫💫

In response Marlene Redmond to her Publication

All of those corporations were established under the aegis of the Roman Catholic Church. The Northern Italian banking houses and merchants who formed them were the most powerful and richest families which saw Catholic Italian noblemen and landed gentry intermarry with Khazarian Jewish bankers and businessmen (This is why so many of the Khazarian Mafia families delineated below can trace their ancestry back to Northern Italy). See: These are the Khazarian-controlled Illuminati
mafia families who secretly run the world.

KEY POINTS: The original Khazarians were a very crude and coarse, crass and cruel people (think: Yiddish–their secret crime language). Being an amalgamation of Turkic, Mongolian and highly inbred Hebrew bloodlines they were also quite ugly, unhealthy and extremely boorish (think: hooked noses and beady eyes). The many centuries of practicing incest and multi-generational inbreeding only caused them to become more mentally deranged ..

WWG1WGA NCSWIC Never Never Forget…. Always was+is about the children #PrayForDUMBSandUNDERGROUNDcleanoutHERQS 🙏🏻🙏🏻💫💫

In response Marlene Redmond to her Publication

The many centuries of practicing incest and multi-generational inbreeding only caused them to become more mentally deranged and emotionally unhinged causing all manner of psychiatric illnesses/psychological disorders. Hence, it ought to be no wonder that the Khazarian Cabal was so determined to intermarry with the highly cultured and refined Northern Italians who appeared to have it all. In this way, these hardcore gangsters hid their criminal Khazarian backgrounds while taking full advantage of the very affluent Catholic Italian society in the same way they deceitfully exploited the nomadic Arabian tribes of the oil-rich Middle East (they did ultimately kill off all the righteous tribal chiefs). However, the ever-thieving and prosperous Italians did become much more culpable in this global takeover enterprise by enthusiastically making common cause with the Khazarians out of sheer GREED.

It’s critical to note that virtually all of today’s largest publicly held corporations still operate under the auspices of the Vatican. But let’s not forget that the Vatican has been a ZOG for as long as the Pope has worn a yarmulke/kippah, also known as a Zucchetto papal skullcap. That Judaic takeover of the nascent Catholic Chuch actually began under Emperor Constantine when Christianity was first accepted as a legitimate religion of the Roman Empire during the First Council of Nicea.

ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government

With the shifting of sea trade from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, those seminal Northern Italian Black Nobility crime families first set up a European banking headquarters in Switzerland; and then a global banking and commercial capital in the Khazarian-owned and -operated City of London as explained here: The Highly Strategic and Consequential Transition of the Khazarian Mafia from Venice to London. Which means..

In response Marlene Redmond to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @marllyargh1221 in this post can reply

WWG1WGA NCSWIC Never Never Forget…. Always was+is about the children #PrayForDUMBSandUNDERGROUNDcleanoutHERQS 🙏🏻🙏🏻💫💫

In response Marlene Redmond to her Publication

Which means that the British Monarchy, Crown Temple and London’s Financial District have been under the firm control of the Khazarian Cabal since their respective inceptions.

In point of fact, the whole world community of nations has suffered under this terrible mafia-run tyranny, which effectively exerts total command and control over the Global Economic & Financial System. This totalitarian state of affairs took a highly consequential turn for the worse with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. For it was with the establishment of the global Central Banking Cartel that the United States of America would be morphed into the military arm of the New World Order as a prelude to the formation of a One World Government with its capital in Jerusalem.

What follows are just a few of the most conspicuous mafia crime families contracted to grease the wheels of the bone-crushing NWO juggernaut rolling across the land—EVERYWHERE, 24/7. ..

WWG1WGA NCSWIC Never Never Forget…. Always was+is about the children #PrayForDUMBSandUNDERGROUNDcleanoutHERQS 🙏🏻🙏🏻💫💫

In response Marlene Redmond to her Publication

Due to their privileged Illuminati bloodlines, these exceedingly dangerous families have been given exclusive rights to specific crime territories and/or industries in order to generate the massive revenues necessary to sustain the multifarious Khazarian crime waves against humanity washing over planet Earth. The Covid biowar carried out via the COVID-19 bioweapons and weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’ are just two examples of this never-ending criminal conspiracy to exterminate targeted populations around the globe.

But how did the Khazarian Cabal ever accrue so much power to maintain such unrivaled supremacy over the earthly realm since the Babylonian Radhonites first created their usurious Babylonian Banking Cartel? See: How the Khazarian Cabal has effectively controlled Ashkenazi Jewry so it can rule planet Earth from behind the veil. ..

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