God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
I mentioned the quantum financial system today at dinner. My husband laughed hysterically like I was mentally ill. I thought I was stonger. I have not betn able to cry since last June when my Uncle died of Covid complications. I am in menopause snd am a flat line despite the horror I have seen done to children and humanity as a whole. I am now sitting downstairs writing with tears streaming down my face. I need to get thicker skin and boldness for what lies ahead. I will be spending time with Jesus tonight. He loves me. ❤️
Keep your Faith strong! These are very trying times....my family no longer believes...they won't they say until they actually SEE something happen. I consider all my anonup patriots as my family - we are all here for each other. it means so very much to me! 💕 Praying for you as we walk through it together!