US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
Expedited does not mean 'no compliance needed' It just means you pay for faster service...
He does not say they do not have to follow the rules.
I truly can't believe that any of you still believe anything that comes out of this masonic POS mouth. He tells you he's a snake a hundred times lol. You're all cheering on your demise
US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
What would you suggest instead of Trump?
Jesus Christ is King of Kings 🙌🏻
Get right with Him cause nothing can stop what is coming means Trump will bring in the jew world order and there's nothing that will stop that. He's the anti Christ. The anti Christ has to come before Jesus can return 🙏🏻
US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
Thought Obama was the anitchrist -he is a total invert.
So, you did not vote for Trump then?
No I woke up to think insanity two years ago and realized that voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. I knew trump was going to get back in because he had already been selected. I started hearing what he was saying and telling us. That he's a snake, that he's the chosen one. Chosen to be the anti Christ and bring in the jew world order. Warp speed is war on the seed. I lost many people to the Bio weapon. I have a friend that's dying right now. First he had a stroke and now he's got bone cancer and prostate cancer. Things weren't making sense. So I did extensive studying of the scriptures and started looking into Trump. Trump is not who people believe He is as a matter of fact the real Trump was taken out in 89 by the jew bankers but they kept his persona alive to bring in their Messiah. Plus his whole life is a lie lol. He's an actor playing a role. And Q is just a masonic psyop. Operation trust 2.0
All masonic Kabuki theater.
Trump fits the biblical anti Christ