So many red flags surrounding Elon, yet so many follow after him without question or suspicion
The baphomet costume during Halloween should’ve been enough
But if it wasnt enough, here are more documented facts…
Elon Musk was Ilsted on the 2008 World Economic Forum list of Young Global Leaders
Musk founded OpenAl in San Francisco in 2015. The company recelved a $1 billion Investment from BIll Gates and Microsoft
Musk owns the COVID-19 vaccine developer CureVac and is openly discussing using his Boring Company to dig a new CERN Hadron Collider
Musk is the number one DOD contractor, which works for the CFR. He is the public face of DARPA tasked with making brainchips, mass surveillance, and automation “cool”
Musk has advocated for digitizing collective consciousness, a “new philosophical system” (one world religion), and the omega point/singularity (merging with machine)
Not to mention the guy literally tweeted “Norvus Ordo Seclurum” and told you he was a “dark magician” at a Trump rally
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It doesn't matter it's not the real Trump either. The jew bankers killed him in 89
But kept his persona alive to bring in the jew world order.
Trump was a Jesuit and a 33 degree Scottish freemason. You're watching masonic Kabuki theater and operation trust 2.0 which is exactly like Q that they used during WWII
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