SO ANTHEM BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD cutting anesthesia coverage .
IS THIS LIKE CHINA .. where they will take the organs, such as a kidney from a PRISONER without anesthesia .. and sell the harvested organ for MONEY ...
ANTHEM got exposed ... who in the hell is running this company ? .... HITLER . LETS see how much PAIN a human can endure !!!!
PROFIT OVER CARE .... has it all came down to THE BUCKS ? ? ? THE MONEY ? ? ?
US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
So all we have to do, to get the coverage, is kill them.. right oh.
It is so absurd that type of thinking CUT THE ANESTHESIA ... ....
When Ovomit was in office he said ... AND promoted a healthcare that was cheap .. THEN THE TRUTH came out .. The PREMIUMS went up ... way up.
The DEDUCTIBLE was unattainable ..
And the OUT OF POCKET being met was a true joke ..
Making our TAX bucks work for US THE USA CITIZENS ..
LETS MAKE A CHANGE THAT WILL BENEFIT us ..... and not them .. Is there a site that reveals who in politics received donations from Healthcare and Big Pharma?
US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
If they refuse, they know what to expect.
About time THEY were terrorised...