Have some of these CREATURES been seen in our NATIONAL PARKS ? PLUM ISLAND and the experimentation that took place there .. did they find one of those Chimeras washed upon our shores ? IF YOU THINK FOR ONE MINUTE that OUR GOVERNMENT is going to tell you the TRUTH .. keep smoking the weed and live in wonderland ... YOUR tax bucks should give us full rights to all of it .......... It is called transparency ..... Then ask about Big Pharma's involvement .... and that funding .... ..
BUT THEY CANNOT CURE US ..... It is time to think ... while you can ...
Can't even imagine the pain and suffering of these poor creatures. I'm bout convinced planet earth is one big science project and we are just as much a fckd up chimera as the next creature... 🙏

Trust me I have been interested in this subject for many many years .. Some of the creatures I have seen are horrific .. X Files and some of their programs exposed what is going on .. including the creatures found in a container beneath ground .. YES we have been experimented on .. the jabs are a good example ... Keep your eyes and ears open .... We have our own UAP / UFO fleet .. Would they go as low as to create a race of monsters to unleash on the civilizations to SCARE THEM .. to cause them to fear ??? What do you think .. ???

At this point, I think anything is possible, CRISPR comes to mind often...
I'm literally lol at even contemplating this shite, instead of "good cop vs bad cop" we've entered the possibility of "good chimera vs bad chimera" 😜 and how da hell to spot the difference. What a fckd up scenario when playing out in the mind. 👹🙈🙉🙊