😻 Such a great post from Ariel, because he’s pointing out
different sides of everyone.
🍿 We’re in a movie with a TON of 2.0’s, rubber masks,
clones & body doubles & we have NO IDEA
who is a what or what gender, species or what calendar⁉️🐍👽
As I understand it, in order to be CONVINCING in your part
you may have to do things you don't want to do
but YOUR LIFE depends on it 💔
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
When you’re doing Intelligence work
A LOT OF STUFF may not look right to people.
You think this guy’s a bad guy
but to play the part, you gotta LOOK like a real bad guy
but they may not BE the bad guy you THOUGHT they were.
Conversely, a lot of people you THINK are good guys
& they’re played up as the good guy, aren’t good guy either.
In a captured operation you grab a chain of people
& you only know the person above & below you.
In this sequence of contacts
somebody further up or down the chain can be grabbed
& put into somebody else’s thing 🙃😎
This is war: A decades long one
Psychological war for planet Earth
All of war is based on deception
Ariel has a point: Know them by their Deeds
EXCEPT: This is war (agents, double agents, triple agents, quadruple agents)
For instance: Donald J Trump and John Gotti attended the same military college in NYC..was John Gotti a White Hat who secretly infiltered the mob in NYC to uncover the rat lines of drug/human trafficking? Was Trump and Gotti both Military Intelligence their whole lives?
Which mobsters drew the line on child trafficking?
It can be fun trying to figure everyone out, but it is also, most likely, a waste of time.