A healer with many hats. Nature Mom is my fav Do from your heart and you will never be wrong Happily married to my soul mate
Trauma! Create it and they will listen and not resist
My mom remembers Kennedy's assination the TV was on a loop playing over n over and all the adults in school crying she said the kids were all in shock at the school before being dismissed early

passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
i concur. all the teachers were crying and they sent us all homelike noon time? that i cant remember. people on tv were crying also (trying not to was hard) mean while i lived in a very republican household and because he was catholic we werent supposed to like him.. i was 16 and i did but you dont fight with your father so i suffered in silence.. i want to mention that i lived in a town of 4K people. the only bias i ever knew about was religious between the catholics and protestants. the only thing sad was i could go to the catholic church as see their traditions but they couldnt come to mine.. sad isnt it?? my neightbor didnt go to my wedding.. the roof would cave in if she did.. my mom was in tears because of that.. and i guess why there was a division.. we were out of school i think for 3 days post his "death"..