Presented in 2020 ...
Is this factual ?
She wrote this was ETHICALLY SOURCED .. because the child had died . so they used the body for parts .. to sell ...
WE have the red shoes .. made out of the skin of children ..
WE have jackets made out of human skin
WE have hats made out of human skin ...
There is no respect of human life in those that participate in this manner .. THE DEVIL CELEBRATES THE SACRIFICES of the innocent ..

Synagogue of Satan trash!

The demons within .. What about MS. FRAZZLEDRIP .. KILLARY .. the beautiful teenager ... Huma helped ... HELL WILL BE FULL ..

There is NO PLACE IN MY HEAD that their vulgarness makes ANY SENSE!
I have seen other children lifeless seeming to have found the same end. One looked like Gaga and Biden. She was taking photos of what they did..like Trophies.
The only good I see in this is for 1 EVIDENCE and the other THAT CHILD IS NOW WITH GOD and in Peace!
We have all fallen short of the glory of God..

Who knew that such EVIL could be alive and around us ... Trophy time .. the photo of how the Queen and her gang .. had their CHILD HUNTS .. and the trophy was about a male child .. and they hung it on a wall .. Think if KILLARY made it in ... AND what she was going to be legalize .. SODOM AND GOMORRAH on our streets 24/7
Have long known what I was saved from....FEMA CAMPS .
Those of us who stand would have been taken down first!
Guillotines (in place through OskumaCare.)
But instead they fall prey to their own creations.