Tetanus Vaccines used for birth control
1990’s-the UN’s WHO launched a campaign to vaccinate millions of women in Nicaragua, Mexico and Philippines from ages 15-45, allegedly against Tentanus.
This vax was not given to men or boys.
A Catholic org revealed that the Tetanus vax contained human Chorionic Gonadotrophin or hCG, a natural hormone which, when combined with a tetanus toxoid carrier, stimulated antibodies rendering a woman incapable of maintaining pregnancy. None of the vaxxed women were told.
It later came out-the Rockefeller Fn and Rockefeller Population Council, the World Bank-home to CGIAR-a Rockefelller agricultural control org and the US NIH had been involved.
Also-the Govt of Norway-host to Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault-donated $41 mil to develop the abortive Tetanus vax.
Also, Czech Prez, Vaclav Klaus, warns against the risk of birth limitation by the NWO.
From Jeany: Wonder what else was in the vaccines
I do a lot of reposting. So if you wonder who I am read my comments
They used it in the us and on males
I was sterilized at 17 before going into a court order juvenile boot camp
I have no children and did try
I have had very little interaction with the medical world my whole life but it was court ordered before I could enter the program
After learning there are two choices the dr can pick from for that vax I did more research and even looked at my own sperm under a microscope
They don’t move at all
This all before the cvd bs
I didn’t take it either I am very anti vax and anti medical
I am so sorry that they did this to you.
I am also anti-vax and anti-medical., for my own (different) reasons,
Whenever I come across information like this, I share it because it points to the overall agenda that they have had for many years.
I do a lot of reposting. So if you wonder who I am read my comments
I wonder how many others they have done this too worldwide
It’s not ok
Mr B How many? Billions.
Multifaceted Agenda to cause suffering and death:
Covid, AIDS, Lyme disease, parasites, flu, etc
Some or all vax's designed to cause harm.
Propaganda and brainwashing that hatred and other evil are good.
1960s: the anti-hero became popular. Ex: the Oceans series-rooting for the bad guys.
Education: indoctrination, also, dumbing down of America-forget Math, science, etc., do alternative studies.
Movie star pedophiles. (Mel Gibson-Pedowood)
Recent report said 75% of the NFL has been arrested.
Music industry: Satanic theme concerts.
Politicians: both parties, published reports of many arrests.
Company CEOs are in the mix, especially as they've ruined our food, air and weather.
Possibly imported millions of criminals.
Almost destroyed our economy.
Took away parents' rights and our right to free speech, open discussion.
Yes-worldwide. They hurt us to keep control, because we aren't evil like them.
But evildoers are being destroyed, thank God
When we realize 'this isn't Ours' we'll see it more Rightly.
What do we really own in this world? don't we pay $$$ on about everything? that the Enemy calls 'taxes'.
Do they really 'own it all'? or just Act like they do and make us believe them!
Here's a story that shows the reality of the Enemy usurping what doesn't belong to them: