Stew Peters@realstewpeters is an initiated puppet.
He’s a Jewish funded research stealing conman with anger management, alcohol, and wife abusing problems.
He comes from the gayest industry of all, the rap industry.
He lied about his name and background to sleep at governor Ventura’s home for months on end.
What kind of fäggøtry was going in there, I can’t even begin to imagine.
Who is Coleman Hughes ? 😂😂
Who is Sherri Mickelberg/Michelberg?✡️✡️✡️😂😂🤣
In his Died Suddenly film, he collaborated with doctors and professionals like@RealDrJaneRuby only to later steal their work and shun them away.
Then he incorporated bunk videos and evidence purposely to discredit all their hard work.
Like he did by adding a blood clot surgery video that predated Covid vaccines by almost 2 years.
It’s all fake and gay like you.