Lead pipes currently placed between the streets and homes of identified Marlborough residents will be replaced with copper pipes in five phases – each phase consisting of approximately 250 homes.
* Although lead is known to be a major health risk to children and pregnant women, the supplier of Marlborough’s water, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA), treats all water to reduce lead from getting into drinking water....... Is there any stats regarding to children with diseases and how many pregnant women have lost their babies ??
pproximately 1,200 lead water service connections.
Until 1944, lead was widely used in service lines and is quite common in many of the older cities and towns in Massachusetts.. in 1944 this was common practice .. NOW WE KNOW THE DANGERS ..
NO ONE PUSHED THE ISSUE .. IT WAS MONEY THAT TOOK THE PLACE OF LIVES ...What is the value of your child's life .. ?
(De)leading the Way - Marlborough, MA - Tata & Howard
The City of Marlborough contracted Tata & Howard for the design, pre-construction services, construction administration and resident observation of 1,200 lead water service connections.