There is a vast spiritual awakening in progress in our world. Quietly and soulfully, many are returning to the truth of who they are, seeing the futility of the world's ego ways. If you surrender to this call from within, it may lead to a deep questioning of "the way we do things".
The return of Christ is the radiance of your own internal ✨Sun✨ where each cell will seem to have its own sparkle and shine forth, beckoning the organic Force of Life as it calls to you & you to it in a sacred, synchronistic dance. It will feel as if your biology itself is craving the experience of this Living Light thirsty for the nectar, hungry for the Fruit. You will come to Know this radiant effervescence of GOD's holy glow as the bonafide birth of your Starlight, the prophesied return of the Risen ✨Son✨Self.