"We slept in the same park -- named after President Kennedy -- that night, but we didn't talk about the name. ... He did bring him up from time to time, referring to him as 'my father' (never 'my dad'), usually in a serious tone. But not always. When Sotheby's held the Kennedy family yard sale in 1996, John wasn't the least surprised at the high prices. ... Golf clubs for a million bucks? 'Cheap! A bargain! ... We're giving stuff away!' ... The park in County Cork had a bronze-relief sculpture of John F. Kennedy at the entrance, youthful and smiling. I walked by it the next morning, wondering if he'd been responsible for the surprisingly good sleep I'd had. John looked at it as well. I can't even imagine what he was thinking. We left the park and drove directly to Dublin, where we were staying one more night before returning to London."
--Robert Littell, "The Men We Became"