Deplorable Patriot and Follower of Yeshua Hamashiach. The Lion of Judah. Precious Child of the Most High, still a little Ferrell
The Secret Religions of the West, Session 3 of 3
In the Esoteric Religion known as Hermeticism, there are a number of core principles of operation, perhaps most famously the Principle of Correspondence. It's often worded "As above, so below," but this is only half of the principle. The full expression is "As above, so below; as below, so above," which outlines a snake eating its own tail as a driver of Hermetic alchemical magic. In his third lecture for the Mere Simulacrity conference in Phoenix, Arizona, in December 2022, James Lindsay explains how this principle is a driver of what he calls the "Secret Religions of the West" in an elucidating way. He contends that Karl Marx was the first to realize that the principle of correspondence must be applied from the bottom.
**Cont'd in comments
The early messaging for the vax was that everybody had to do it for it to work. That was the push and others have written about how they ignored natural immunity for people who were already infected and survived and made it about you will infect grandma if you do not get it even though you already survived it. Then it went to you could get it again and it will be worse so you still need to get the vax. They did the same with the concept of herd immunity until they backed down a little after it became clear not everybody was going to take it. Does this not sound familiar to what he is describing in the beginning of his talk? Indeed. Throw in only the people knowing the secrets can rule best and that might relate to the wizards and warlocks mentioned in the q posts and give us an idea about where the pandemic design came from.