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Restaurant Ground Beef recall
Urgent recall for 160,000 pounds of ground beef sold in restaurants across US after testing positive for E Coli | Daily Mail Online
Urgent recall for 160,000 pounds of ground beef sold in restaurants across US after testing positive for E Coli | Daily Mail Online
Wolverine Packing Co ., a Detroit, Michigan establishment, is recalling approximately 167,277 pounds of ground beef products that may be contaminated with E. coli.
passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
operative word "may be" when i worked in research for the more probable reason for e coli, it was usually in ground foods not beef. such as lettuce (the biggest culprit) and carrots etc.. (as is going on now). cause? people workers who dont wash their hands post potty!! illegals dont wash their hands! cause their might be a porta potty with no water available.. duh... so easy to fix. gloves would work but they would have to be put on correctly to minimize any dirt etc transfer to the outside of the gloves. whose gonna watch that??..
Questioning everything led to my progressive awakening. Still learning daily. A new me, The Real Me is emerging. Strange, but I like her.
Much easier to fix if you just deport them!
passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
its been going on for a long time. even poor migrants to come to the states for X months with permission . or if they have to go potty and just go where the food is growing. bacteria in the ground.. whose gonna watch 200 people all at once.. we deport these workers in 110 degree heat which to them is okay. how many will do this for 5 bucks an hour and how much will your lettuce be as a result with it 10 bucks an hour.. deporting the bad guys is different that workers. they work hard. i am in a building area where they are all illegals i have to imagine.. no englais.very proper, quiet lives. do their business as told and some very good at their jobs..for them i feel bad but they will need to go home to get their RV money etc and start a new life where they lived before with their families. a better life for them too.. or come back in the front door with passion..
Yes, it has been going on for a long time, it's part of the same old guard system that we have been subject to in this matrix. One viable solution is for all homes and communities to have their own gardens, and small farms that are supported by their communities for what they can't provide for themselves. Perhaps communities pay the farmers directly in membership form - kind of like an expanded CSA. It will take time to make that work, and people would have to work hard, but it could at least minimize our reliance on large-scale operations.