UNBELIEVABLE 🚨 North Carolina Hurricane Helene victims had someone come in and build 100 tiny homes as a donation
Victims “were living in them, and the county comes in and says they won't pass inspection.” AND KICKS THEM OUT
“So we got 75 of them sitting down there that won't you know, that we we can't live in, we can't do nothing with them”
📍 Burnsville NC, In this video, a camp director reveals that the county shut down 100 newly donated tiny homes intended for those in need:

Universal Upgrade downloading... full services will resume shortly. 321... LOVE
So go and arrest the people who icked them out...
I mean at some point people are going to have to actually stand up and stop doing as they are told...
75 homes means a fair number of people..
And why hasnt Trump done anything yet.. he is clearly able to get things done ... so why has he not come to the aid of the people in the most need?
First thing I would have done =is to send a warning to FEMA and give the go ahead for civilians to begin arresting them if they fuck up...
I think its unconscionable to allow this to be happening inthe background and to do or say nothing...

In mississippi after Katsina, FEMA brought in trailers which later they found were leaking chemicals as they did NOT cure them first. Got a lot of people sick... these ppl (FEMA) ARE SICK

Built better than anything the government would give them
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Isn't it time for the people to tell the county to go fook themselves?
Move into those houses, most Amish know how to build. Anything is better than sleeping on the dirt.
Pass county inspection? ... it's time for new inspection codes. Roof and walls beat canvas tents every time.

God loving MAGA man. Peace Please spread the truth anyway any where you can God bless
Time to bring the treasonous pigs to justice

The ONLY thing on my bucket list is to meet + HUG all involved in #THEGREATAWAKENING (Q know who Q are). God bless every one. Exodus 8
Wow…just wow

passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
made by the amish people.. approx 100 came to do this...WHY they were outlawed? is obvious. and didnt cost anyone anything. totally free

thats correct, they had a group of amish head to NWC on Sunday Morning and stayed all weeka nd then head back home on Saturday Morning and then a new group head back to NWC on sunday morning and so on