LIVE 11/20/24 8:00pm EST#REVELATIONREDPILL EP 79: The Dragon & The Woman Clothed In The Sun - The Bible is full of seemingly fantastical imagery that reads much like a#sciencefiction novel, only it is anything BUT fiction. Who is the#WomanClothedInTheSun we hear about in the book of#Revelation, & who is the dragon who "made war with the remnant of her seed who keep the commandments of#God & have the testimony of#JesusChrist?" More importantly, what does it have to do with us today? The devil is the same dragon, with the same tricks, still trying to devour the seed of God, just as he did through Pharaoh before Moses & Herod before Jesus. The difference now? We have all POWER over that dragon. So let's get to work! Watch!!! 👇👇👇

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