So for optics, we attacked Russia? That would be counterproductive since Putin is in the alliance/team of world leaders.

Q follower Arizona #KAG Patriot who loves God and Country #MAGA Trump/JFKJr 2020 #SaveTheChildren Evil Won't Survive in 5D
What is happening is a "Wag the Dog" type movie. White hat Operation are happening under the guise of "wars." Ukraine has bio-labs which are being destroyed. Israel has deep state being removed and underground tunnels, etc. Russia is not actually being attacked, but for the normies it appears that is the case in order to show corruption in our government. Biden is NOT the original. Look at photos/videos of present and past Biden. If "Biden" hadn't "won" the election, people would not see the truth about gov't and it's agencies. Trump said at least people are seeing the truth because "Biden" won. Maybe the "strike" on Russia is a set up for a Scare Event, maybe a fake nuke which destroys our satanic buildings/monuments in America. We don't know how it's going to end or exactly what the scare event will be, but remote viewers are agreeing about some sort of attack in America. Just know that all evil is being removed and we will have heaven on earth after the chaos.