Med Bed technology has been 'suppressed' and hidden from the public for a long, long time. Fortunately, due to the planetary shift from 3D to 5D+ happening at this time, and the increasing demand for transparency by the human collective consciousness, an increasing number of courageous people are coming forward to disclose what they know has been hidden for decades, even centuries, and most likely for thousands of years. Two of these courageous Souls are Ileana the Star Traveler (her internet name) and Jared Rand.
Ileana wrote the information on the Holographic Medical Pods from Her personal experiences as a Secret Space Program Asset on Mars. Her information is posted in the 2nd-half of this article. Jared is a highly intelligent and knowledgeable Man who has been working with the Global Transition for decades, and has information about many topics the general public is not aware of,