Hello, Everyone I have an urgent request for you all. Mom's, we need to help another mom to get her child back from child protective services. She won her case and has yet to get her child back. Child protective services are in violation of the court, because the mom, (Jeannine Jarrick) still doesn't have her daughter back. The daughter's name is Kaitlynn Marie Hunter, age 16 yrs. old. Her life is in danger, she has a severe concussion from having her head slammed into the floor or ground repeatedly. To learn more about this situation go to: Judy Byington, restored republic via a GCR update for 11/15/2024. She needs to be back with her mom. She was home schooling her child when they came in and took her. Please pray. There are numbers to contact if you feel it would help. Thank you, all. From one mom to another, please help, tell everyone you know. Debora