Yeshua🩸✝️ Mrs LuAnn Aalvik♥️ BereanWatchman Aleph/א Tav/ת #Gospel🎶 #CiC 👉#TrumpWon #19 NoVax! ORPatriot IFBAP💯
First off, stop acknowledging the letter 'J' and using 'Their' Invented word - Jesus, instead of Yeshua (First 3 times mentioned in Genesis 49:18, Exodus 14:13, Exodus 15:2). In your Bibles the word is 'Salvation' but in Hebrew its, Yod Shin Vav Ayin / Yeshua.
Don't Give Ground to the 'J-Word' Khazarian Mafia 👉that retrofit Every early edition English translation Bible to read - 'JEW' and Now some 300-400 years later, This Totally Manufactured Word - > is Accepted by EVERYONE!?!
You see, You Can't Spell 'JEW' in Hebrew!
As It's NOT a Word!
It's NOT a contraction of a Word
It is NOT Short for - Judah (Yehuda)
And Everywhere 'They' have usurped the text and arrogantly replaced the original word with JEW, JEWS, JEWISH, is Now easily found out by any Hebrew interlinear.

Yeshua🩸✝️ Mrs LuAnn Aalvik♥️ BereanWatchman Aleph/א Tav/ת #Gospel🎶 #CiC 👉#TrumpWon #19 NoVax! ORPatriot IFBAP💯
This also applies with Greek.
What is hilarious, these so-called, good scholars👉 Keep Repeating this Made-Up Word, pointing to and using the English language to propagate 'The Lie.'
As there Is NO 'J' in either of the above mentioned 2 languages!
1. Hebrew
2. Greek
But each have a representation of the Letter 'D' or in Hebrew, the DALET, or in Greek the 'Delta.'
Which is conveniently Left Out in 'Their' Manufactured Word - JEW!
{{The DALET Conspiracy}}
Quick Backtrack:
The Other Name that 'They' Won't Say, Read, Write, or Print is - You Hey Vav Hey or Yahweh / Yehovah / Yahuah / - The Sacred Name first told Moses in in Exodus 6:2-3. First mentioned in Genesis 2:4 - >BUT NEVER FOUND IN THE N.T.!?!
When you Add a Dalet to the Sacred Name it changes it to Yehuda or your Bibles read, Judah. Interestingly enough, the Dalet is the 'FOURTH' LETTER (hint) in Yehuda.
The pictogram for the Paleo Hebrew Dalet was a Tent DOOR.
Yeshua told us in John 10:7, 9 - 'I Am the Door"
Who would want you to NOT Find the DOOR!
Who would want to Take the DOOR Out of the word - Yehuda!?!
John 10:10a, John 8:44, Luke 4:1-13

Yeshua🩸✝️ Mrs LuAnn Aalvik♥️ BereanWatchman Aleph/א Tav/ת #Gospel🎶 #CiC 👉#TrumpWon #19 NoVax! ORPatriot IFBAP💯
What are the Eternal Consequences of Messing with Words, Letters, even How the Letters are written! (If you look closely at the letters of a sefer Torah (Torah scroll), you will see that many of the letters are topped by small spikes, called tagin or ketarim, the Aramaic and Hebrew words for “crowns.”)
IF Yeshua Didn't Fulfill, like He said in Matthew 5:17-18, 👉Revelation 5 would Not have Happened!!
1. JEW is Not in Torah!
so, for you Christians, You have to Deal with the following Rules!
a. Matthew 5:17-18
b. Revelation 22:18-19
c. Deuteronomy 4:2
d. Deuteronomy 12:32
e. Proverbs 30:6
f. Jeremiah 26:2

Yeshua🩸✝️ Mrs LuAnn Aalvik♥️ BereanWatchman Aleph/א Tav/ת #Gospel🎶 #CiC 👉#TrumpWon #19 NoVax! ORPatriot IFBAP💯
Matthew 5:17-18 is So Picky on the Ground Rules for Exactly How the Messiah had Live Out His life here on earth, that If He didn't Follow and Fulfill the Law and Prophets, not just down to the Word, or even the smallest letter (yod), but How the Letters were Written! We would say, the Dotting of an 'i' and the Crossing of a 't.'
Revelation 22:18-19 repeats this Rule regarding the Words used!
In this case, JEW!
So, What Was Said in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9!?!?!?
Any Greek interlinear will shed light on this!
Hint: It's Not the word - JEWS!