Just my 2 cents-ppl r asking when did the disrespect of the flag start in schools. Well I went to elementary school in Orange County, CA in the 70's. In 3rd grade, our assignment was write a paper on going back in time and spending the day with someone we admired. The teacher went around the room and asked us who we were going to write about. When she came to me, I said Jesus. She quickly told me I couldnt write about someone that didnt really exist. I believe CA has been at the front lines of the degradation of our society for many more years than that-just like they are on the front lines of trying to kill America the Great now. I think like a cancer this craziness has spread across the rest of the country. Its not just about respecting our flag, I believe it is about disrespecting EVERYTHING we stood and stand for as a country under God.