So, I got called a tranny on Telegram because I said I have monkey arms and big shoulders yet I bore two children regarding a post that is calling out anyone and everyone you ever heard of. Granted, there are lots of them no doubt, however; not everyone is.. Now mind you this person has never seen me, nor do I have a profile picture on Telegram. In addition, this moron does not know anything about me or my background. Oh, they said I have a fabricated womb.. 🥴 Not gonna show you that, but give me your assessment and don't look at the wrinkles. I'm 74, and darn well earned every single one.. 😅🤣😂

Thank you, you made an old lady smile! 🥰
We aren’t old , we are seasoned 🥰🕊️🤩

Ha, ha, ha.. Seasoned! Hope to have a few more of those. 🥰