A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
The earth will become very very restless now .. Like never before ... the picture I get in is that the intensity will also increase and that is where it is only up to maxi so far. at the strength of 3 was .. they can grow to strength up to 4... The 2's up to strength 3 etc ..
⚠️Pain in the legs (both legs) is ALWAYS an indication of earthquakes.. noticeable for up to 1500 km... Nausea, hypocrisy and impulsive vertigo as well
⚠️ daa brain.. the feeling of being poisoned or like drunk.. Weird perception etc .. artificial frequencies.. apparently they are always activated on Thursdays and Sundays recently.. Inflammation, respiratory tract and skin rashes can then multiply
continued in comments.....
❤️I leave out the energies of the sun because the complaints have basically disappeared after 1.5 to 2 hours or if there was a flare etc. and these complaints should not worry us much either.. ❤️
In the interim, it will now become enormously serious .. The masks are falling brutally and unstoppable... thankgod 🙏 (on all levels by the way)
Unfortunately, I have to mention that allegedly many awakened people are now switching to the dark side ... Congratulations to manipulation and artificial frequencies... so the plan is working out, as mentioned by me so often .. let these people drag .... You can't reach them anymore .. they are like shut off in their bubble ..
If you are unsure about the complaints, let it be medically clarified please ❗️
There's no need to say anything about the weather.. an absolute disaster is looming in some countries ..