😻 Fascinating 🪖
🇺🇸 Shawn Ryan
You don’t like women in combat.
🇺🇸 Pete Hegseth, new SoDefense
No. I love women Service Members, who contribute amazingly.
Everything about men & women serving together
makes the situation more complicated
& complication in combat means casualties or worse.
When you go under the hood,
I’ve gotten 99% positive response to this..
I’m exempting Special Operations,
which, thus far has held the line fairly well
because if they were lowering the standard to become a Navy SEAL
just to let women inside the Navy SEALs
that’s going to change the capability & ethos of the Navy SEALs…
🇺🇸 MJTruth
@ candlesinthenight
Pete Hegseth, Trump’s new Sec of Defense,
would prefer NOT to Send Woman to Combat —
Instead, he believes our military should Focused on
Lethality & Readiness, not woke ideology.
This dude just won major points in my book.
Full Show (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DoN5ovwB8s4&pp=ygUKU2hhd24gcnlhbg%3D%3D)
Didn't the woke attitude in the military begin long before men in girls' rooms and men in women sports?
It's been years that women were 'accepted' as being able to do the military jobs that, for the most part, men were more qualified to do by virtue of their physical strength.
It's all about the X's and Y's.
Viva la difference.
Pete deserves one more medal for telling the truth.
There's a weird connection (in my mind) to men pretending to be women for swim meets and women trying to compete with men when training to become Navy Seals.

😻 In an interview I posted yesterday,
Pete said "woke" began with Clinton,
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
But it accelerated with Obama,
the transgender stuff & women in combat 🤬
Hello! Of course.
Obama is 'married' to a man.
This is the demon agenda. Gender confusion
& weakening the American Military 🤬
Pete Hegseth sounds like the man for the job
of getting woke out of our Military & I'm thrilled.
As well, he's got big thumbs up from Soldiers
all across our Military services 💪🇺🇸🪖

Yes, Satan sure wanted to destroy us.
Getting men out of women's sports and bathrooms will save the quality of women's lives and perhaps, ultimately save lives.
Getting women out of the parts of the military that demand a man's strength will definitely save lives.
Pet Hegseth knows.
I wonder if we will eventually see truthful data on the issue.