God in control. No vax has touched our family/Grandkids. I don't know the whitehats clandestine Plan. Riding the wave of insane psyops
If it can be fixed there is no dillydallying for yrs--same with china making almost all meds that we need..many meds are needed until that whole industry is fixed

Our whole economy is dependent upon the majority of our critical things being produced in other countries. We hardly export anything all while importing virtually almost everything.

I was here early in 2021, then got "spooked". I am back because I want to live. I read a lot. I observe. I listen. I have faith in us.
So nice to see this getting attention! Back before UNC went global, they had a great professor who taught a core class in Environmental Health that critically examined (among other topics) the waste lagoons or pits associated with the Industry. Steve Wing is no longer with us but I remember his contributions in this area.

We were shown staring one of our favorites…
The Ranch: Netflix’s Original Series is Simply Enjoyable | by Ecnar | Medium
Let’s be real, sitcoms tend to be god awful. Look no further than The Big Bang Theory to see how low our collective intellects can sink as viewers. At SludgeFeed, we had completely written off…
Besides, Treasury(the new one), not foreign nations, have acquired much, if not all of this real property per EO13818