I went to high school in NYC, at Dalton, where Bill Barr's father Donald was headmaster right before I arrived. I asked a friend who'd been there when Barr was headmaster why he was asked to leave. "He was too conservative" was the response, which I understood, as I was liberal then. I received a fantastic education & exposure to the arts, which is why I went there. Who was Barr replaced by? Gardner P. Dunnan, a creepy, tall guy who looked like Howdy Doody. Never interacted with the kids. Turns out he did, though, AFTER HOURS. He's been accused of pedophilia. For people who think Barr was bad because Epstein came on board as a teacher around the time Barr was leaving, I point to the fact that 1) Barr was CONSERVATIVE. 2) He wrote a sci-fi book about ALIEN GOVERNMENT SEX SLAVES. The man KNEW stuff. 3) Epstein came as Barr left. No one can prove that Epstein was "Barr's guy." My money is on Donald (deceased) and Bill Barr as solid citizens who were privy to a lot of DIRT.

Author, Audio Book Narrator, Former Liberal. Patriot.
Bill Barr calls on prosecutors to dismiss Trump cases
Former Attorney General Bill Barr argued Wednesday that federal and state prosecutors should immediately drop all criminal cases against President-elect Donald Trump in the wake of his decisive 2024 election victory.