I wouldn't have ramped up my gematria usage (as minimal as it is for me) and seen the wrestling comms without u guys. I learned a lot and ultimately I think he was a big factor in me trusting my connection to higher forces where there's an acceptance in all our thoughts being recorded by good and the telepathic back and forth dance u get thru the illusion . Q team and John know this i would guess. Was he stirring the pot for us to reflect possibly? We're all little christs and gods and have what Shane has. Capital G God is something I think he could have possibly given more respect and used little g. And the shit that spills out when we're in survival mode spares no one (sad but true Metallica) oh and i wouldnt have the appreciation for the turncoats who are working w q team as they prob need the most love coming out of the beast like in rev 18. Going from kill them all to what can u do inside the beast for God.

I appreciate him and u and I think y'all have been critical in helping us form telepathic bonds which we have fully on once heaven on earth is here