Teaching my wife gun SAFETY USN-AS-16,AS-36,PHM-4,DDG-965.Vietnam Vet. OATH to the Constitution and Country is for Life ,Pureblood,WWG1WGA
Get back out there...lives depend on YOU! You should be ashamed!
The thing is that those in charge don’t want repairs done at all. They want people who lost everything to suffer more, enough so they will be compliant and do whatever those in charge want. They want to break spirit. Horrific.
Is that for electric service? When the EBS starts the grid shuts down and the Tesla power comes on. Due between now and Tuesday.
Yes, none of the linemen are supposedly being paid so they are going on strike
I love God, my family, and my Country! Expelled from T 1/8/2021. Thankful VK got message out about this site!
That’s BS! How do you think they feel? Linemen have a choice people with nothing, don’t! I get being upset not being paid but being a good human should always be a priority. What do I know though 🤷‍♀️ I didn’t get paid 24/7 to defend freedom either.
Power of IAM. Saving the Children.Frequency369Ascension. Fooked.God Wins.Second Coming. Witness Protection program.Q is real #StandWithTrump
This is horrible! Nobody is reporting the atrocities! Insane!