😻 I would LOVE to see 98% of the US CONGRESS
marched out of the capitol & arrested
but that’s just wishful thinking on my part 💪
ICYMI — Mitch McConnell is stepping down in November.
However, we all saw his clone glitch some months ago 🤖🍿
🇺🇸 Andrew Leyden @ PenguinSix
Military helicopters lift off in front of the US Capitol
following emergency drills tonight.
12 helicopters took part in tonight’s exercise.

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
I was gettin' "night-ops training for delivering high value targets from all over America to face their Tribunals" goosebumps.
Dunno why.
Always tryin' to stay optimistic.

💯 ol_c
It gave me Wilshire Blvd vibes 😎🇺🇸🪖💪
🙏🇺🇸🪖 One of the great WH Military SAVES.
Pelosi tried to get herself & her family
out of the country that night 😼💥
🇺🇸 2-7-22 Juan O Savin
Had Hillary won they would have nuked Seattle
& the plandemic would have started 2019
but they did that bust on Wilshire Blvd. with Blackhawks
& got the stuff out of the Guatemalan House of Culture.
In order to release it
there’s an underground bus thing
that goes to a bunch of Hotels up the street
& that’s where they would have done it.
It was 2 parts: a Biological & Radiological.
So they had a little dirty bomb
it wouldn’t have been a nuclear explosion
just a bomb with nuclear material
that would have essentially covered up the trail
of where it started from
& your plandemic virus would have started there💥
🇺🇸🪖 Guatemalan House of Culture
RAIDED by Special Forces in LA 2-10-19
is there some correlation between this seattle plan (we never heard but wow) and north carolina plan. no explosion but definitely dirty stuff going on now we are hearing.. why KH didnt want anyone going in? let the nucear material fester and kill everyone?? that storm was more than a hurricaine for sure

😻 I don't know, Ingrid.
What is THINK is that the Seattle nuke
Hillary Clinton planned on dropping
would have been an actual nuclear bomb
whereas the destruction of Paradise, CA,
Lahaina, Maui & all the states
devastated by Hurricane Helene
were done by deep state weather weapons 💥
Last year Juan O Savin made a list of
deep state plans the White Hats stopped, FYI ❤️🔥
5-23 🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
1 Jeb Bush out
2 HRC defeated
3 Admiral Rogers/Trump Tower SCIF
4 EOs allowing things to be put forth in Military Tribunals
5 Guatemalan Cultural Center Op averted Plandemic on 2-4-19
6 Averted Seattle Nuke
7 Trump launched Project Warp Speed thwarting THEIR plans
to bring out THEIR vax in 2024
8 Trump did NOT sign the Insurrection Act
9 They couldn’t make Pelosi POTUS
& are stuck with loser Biden [now Kamala]
10 Trump has McCarthy on a tight leash
[McCarthy gone 10-31-23]

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
💯 Kat!
I think our White Hat Military been continuously saving our bacon, and that of course includes our amazing SPACE FORCE.
Remember this Missile Warning on HI?
What was that? A glitch? Are we kidding?
Were all kinds of Cabal mid-level pukes on the Big Island of Hawaii...for purposes of Plausible Deniability?
If they were gonna light up Kauai (for example to blame North Korea or Russia), that's 300 miles to the West and the WIND BLOWS WEST, to the fallout would have blown AWAY from the Big Island of Hawaii and all those Cabal Stooges toward Asia.
"How could we have done it?" they would scream. 😡
They always try to start WARS!
I reckon those missiles were REAL, possibly fired from a rogue sub, and VAPORIZED by Good Forces the instant they broke water - and our Missile Warning Systems are Automatic IMO.
That's just my take.
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