PG 1.) Question? Men hallowed the ground with their very blood? Answer from the divine, or of the divine. Men are more than animals but sons of Almighty God when unified with him with the Holy Spirit. A marriage covenant. Blood is life. A good godly sacrifice to save others when the cause is just and righteous! You can not hide from God. These men, in the civil war, willingly gave their lives so others could be free. Ignorance of holy matters comes from not having your creator's holy spirit living with in your body. You are a temple, sacred, and holy when God lives in you. God does not give the knowledge of the sacred, divine, holy, and pure revelation of his workings on this earth to those like yourself who are not willing to do the research and find spiritual guidance from God our Father, his son Jesus Christ, and he will not give his power, the Holy Spirit, to blatantly ignorant backward heathens. Savages, barbarians, witches.