Millions take their poison to manage HBP. God help them...
While salt is not the problem, this is a somewhat Misleading statement in my opinion. If you read Dr Mercola's new book on the Microbiome and cellular energy which is based on Dr Ray Peats research (human biologist) , it isn't just carbs causing this (and not just sugar either), the problem is we are not burning good carbs properly due to our processed foods, low carb diets, and other damage to our systems from misleading science. He will teach you how to get your body to burn good carbs (rice, potatoes, etc. - not junk/processed foods) as our bodies actually need some carbs to create enough energy for our bodies to repair itself and it will also reduce your insulin levels.
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Best Foods for High Blood Pressure - YouTube
--------------The Workbook: for checking out the Dr. Bo...